Does dog breed affect the outcome of a bite compensation claim?

On Behalf of | Jan 23, 2025 | Personal Injury

A dog’s appearance or breed doesn’t automatically mean it is a dangerous animal. Most delivery professionals readily acknowledge that some of the smallest, cutest-looking dogs can be the most vicious.

That being said, there are certain breeds that have a known association with particularly severe bite incidents. Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Cane Corsos, German Shepherds and other large breeds of dogs historically used for security, livestock guardianship or fighting represent more risk to humans than breeds developed for appearance or companionship.

When a dog turns aggressive, the person attacked may have questions about their right to hold the owner accountable. Does the breed of a dog influence eligibility for dog bite compensation?

Owners are responsible regardless of the dog’s breed

California has strict liability rules for dog bite cases. Generally speaking, people who own canine companions are responsible for the conduct of their dogs. They should train their dogs and keep them restrained so that they don’t pose a risk to the general public.

Dog owners who let their animals leave their yards or roam off-leash may be liable if those animals go on to injure humans. The dog’s breed generally does not have any impact on eligibility for compensation.

Occasionally, the breed of a dog can serve as a complicating factor during an insurance claim. Often, those attacked by aggressive dogs can request compensation for their medical expenses, property damage losses and lost wages by filing an insurance claim. The homeowners or renters insurance policy of the animal’s owner can help cover those expenses.

Some insurance companies have lists of restricted breeds. They may not underwrite policies if they know that people have certain types of dogs in their homes. They may also charge extra to insure those with dangerous dog breeds at their residences. If policyholders lie about having a dog and hide the animal’s presence, that could lead to complications for people who need compensation after a dog bite incident.

The same could be true in scenarios where people misrepresent the dog’s breed. If they claim it is a mixed breed but fail to indicate that it is a Rottweiler-Pit bull mix, that could affect how the insurance company handles any dog bite claims.

For the most part, those attacked by aggressive animals can hold the owner accountable, often by filing an insurance claim. Understanding the rules that govern dog bite attacks and insurance coverage may help people offset their losses after encountering an aggressive animal. Regardless of a dog’s breed, a person attacked by an aggressive animal may be able to hold the owner of the animal accountable for their losses.