If You’ve Been Hit By An Uninsured Motorist
There are critical steps to be taken if you’re involved in an accident involving an uninsured driver. These include:
- Report the accident to the police. All accidents involving uninsured motorists should be reported, even minor ones.
- Promptly seek medical care. Injury symptoms frequently take hours or even days to develop following a trauma like an auto accident. It is important to be evaluated by a doctor, even if you are concerned about how to pay for such care.
- Contact a lawyer. An experienced accident lawyer will guide you and should ensure that your claim is not impaired through mistakes or inaction.
- Do not admit fault at the accident scene. Following an accident, people are often confused and may not fully understand what happened. Traffic laws also vary from place to place. An attorney can help determine the legal cause of an accident.
- Report the accident to your own insurance company but do not discuss any injuries. In the case of an uninsured motorist claim, even your own insurance company may try to use your words against you. The best practice is to decline to discuss any injuries until contacting a lawyer.
- Do not give a recorded statement to anyone other than your own insurance company. Your recorded words can, and often will, be used against you.
An uninsured motorist who causes an accident is typically “judgment-proof.” This means that filing a lawsuit against them may be pointless as they will not likely have assets sufficient to pay for your injuries and damages. In such circumstances, your best option may be to proceed with a claim for uninsured motorist benefits against your own insurance company. Making such a claim usually will not affect your insurance rates. With the high number of uninsured motorists in San Diego, it is very important to ensure you carry uninsured motorists coverage on your insurance policy.
We Are Here To Help
Our team at Coast Law Group LLP will thoroughly investigate your case to determine how to best proceed. Accidents are often caused by factors, such as defective tires or unsafe road designs, that are not readily apparent. Even if the party who hit you has no insurance, there may be other parties legally at fault.
Contact Coast Law Group LLP to speak with an attorney experienced in uninsured motorist accident claims at 760-670-4554.