Take Legal Action In Response To The Abuse Or Neglect Of An Elder
You and your family no doubt did the best research you could when you chose a long-term care facility for your mother, father, spouse or other close relative. If they have suffered harm due to abuse or neglect in that care facility, your sense of outrage is understandable. In addition to seeking answers and holding wrongdoers accountable, you may now need compensation to pay for a higher level of care for your loved one.
At Coast Law Group LLP in Encinitas, our California personal injury attorneys bring claims and lawsuits on behalf of individuals who have been injured or abused in nursing homes and in other circumstances. Our lawyers are ready to evaluate your case and propose a legal path forward after discovering the underlying causes of the abuse, such as understaffing or inadequate security.
About Nursing Home Neglect And Elder Abuse
Nursing home neglect and elder abuse are sad facts of life that often call for legal action. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified the following six types of abuse:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Neglect
- Abandonment
- Financial abuse
California’s laws regarding nursing home injuries and elder abuse are a starting point for developing your case. Your own observations and your loved one’s suffering are, of course, at the heart of a claim or lawsuit. Our team will help you uncover and document evidence of:
- Pressure ulcers and bedsores caused by a failure to clean and turn a resident often enough
- Weight loss indicating possible malnourishment
- Burns caused by scalding while bathing and injuries caused by falls
- Skin tears, bruising and other physical signs of mishandling by alleged caregivers
- Overmedication
- Unkempt appearance indicating neglect
Besides recovering compensation, you may also hope to prevent similar harm to other long-term care residents or elders receiving services at home. Our attorneys can help you pursue these goals through well-documented legal claims.
Let’s Talk About Your Loved One’s Nursing Home Abuse Or Neglect
Our lawyers are available to aggressively pursue justice for elderly clients subjected to abuse at nursing homes or assisted care living centers. We take these shameful actions seriously and work to ensure that facility owners compensate the injured and their families.
As soon as you suspect that elder abuse is occurring, it’s critical for you to have experienced attorneys on your side. Reach us today at 760-670-4554 or email us to learn how to get a claim or lawsuit started.