Representing Injured Children And Their Parents
Not only are injuries to children heartbreaking, but they are also often clear evidence of negligence by adults who were responsible for watching out for their welfare. Physical injuries to children may affect their growth and have very long-lasting effects on their development. Furthermore, children’s injuries often have a powerful emotional component, as well, since trauma may have a lifelong impact.
For these and other reasons, our attorneys at Coast Law Group LLP have compassionately and determinedly focused on getting justice for injured children and their parents in Southern California.
Examples Of Injuries To Children
We welcome inquiries from parents and other adults who have observed the effects of injuries on their children, such as the following:
- Physical and psychological harm resulting from the negligence of caregivers who were responsible for their well-being
- Injuries on school buses, vans and other types of transportation used to carry young people to athletic practices and other group activities
- Injuries in or on poorly maintained properties, such as schools and day care facilities
- Injuries in parks, at school and on playgrounds due to inadequate supervision by responsible adults
- Sexual abuse by youth leaders such as teachers, coaches, clergy, foster parents, scout leaders, day care providers and others
- Sexual abuse by family members or peers in poorly supervised circumstances
We realize that children are inherently vulnerable at home, at school, in camps, at day care facilities, in organized sports and in religious institutions. When they suffer injuries due to negligence or abuse by supervisory caregivers, the question of justice includes the question of how to obtain compensation.
Our lawyers are ready to fight for your child’s rights as well as your own rights after your son or daughter has been injured.
Let’s Talk About Your Child’s Injuries And How To Get Compensation On Their Behalf
To schedule a consultation, call 760-670-4554 or complete a simple online inquiry form.